3.1. Capture - Common Commands outputs for all devices

3.1.1. Execution Steps - summary (common)

  1. Import project module

  2. Define Inputs to capture function.
    • Authentication parameters

    • List of all eligible devices

    • List of all commands to be captured (model wise)

    • Output path

  3. [Optional]: Custom Class Input
    • Import custom class

    • Input class as an argument to capture function

  4. execute

  5. write/print capture log summary (optional)

3.1.2. Execution Steps - Explained (common)

  1. Import the necessary module:

    from capture_it import capture, LogSummary
  2. Authentication Parameters:

    # Provide Authentication Parameters in a dictionary as below.
    auth = {
            'un':'provide username' ,
            'pw':'provide login password',
            'en':'provide enable password'
    ## Make sure to use static passwords. Refrain using OTP, as ID may get locked due to multiple simultaneous login.
  3. List of devices:

    # Option 1:  Provide the list of devices as below.
    devices = [
            #  list down all ip addresses for which output to be captured
    # Option 2:  Store list of devices IP in a text file and get from that file.
    with open('devices.txt', 'r') as f:
            lns = f.readlines()
    devices = [_.strip() for _ in lns]
  4. Output path:

    op_path = './captures/'
  5. Commands to be captured:

    # Option 1:  Provide the list of Commands as below.
    CISCO_IOS_CMDS =        [
            'sh run',
            'sh int status',
            'sh lldp nei',
            # edit as need
            'show configuration | no-more',
            'show lldp neighbors | no-more',
            'show interfaces descriptions | no-more',
            # edit as need
    # Option 2:  Store list of commands in a text file and get from that file.
    with open('cisco_commands.txt', 'r') as f:
            lns = f.readlines()
    CISCO_IOS_CMDS = [_.strip() for _ in lns]
    with open('juniper_commands.txt', 'r') as f:
            lns = f.readlines()
    JUNIPER_JUNOS_CMDS = [_.strip() for _ in lns]
    # After commands lists available, add it to a dictionary as below..
    cmds = {
            'cisco_ios'  : CISCO_IOS_CMDS,
            'juniper_junos': JUNIPER_JUNOS_CMDS,
    Note: ``arista_eos`` key for the Arista switches commands list to be added to dictionary.
  6. Import custom class

    # A sample custom class named `CiscoBgp` imported below.
    # It should have a mandatory property named `cmd` to return list of additional commands to capture
    from custom_captureit.cisco_bgp import CiscoBgp
  7. Start Capturing:

    c = capture(
            ## mandatory arguments ##
            devices,    ## list of device ips
            auth,       ## Authentication parameters (dict)
            cmds,       ## Dictionary of list of commands ( see above example )
            op_path,    ## output path - to store the outputs.
            ## optional arguments ##
            cumulative=True,        ## True/False/Both/None (store output in a single file, individual command file, both kinds of file, No file)
            forced_login=False,     ## True/False (True: try to ssh/login device even if ping responce fails. )
            parsed_output=False,    ## True/False (True: Evaluate and parse the command outputs to store device data in excel)
            visual_progress=10,     ## display visual progress on console (default level: 3)
            log_type='individual',  ## available options = ('common', individual', 'both', None) ( default: None)
            common_log_file='common-debug.log',  ## provide if log_type is individual (default: None)
            concurrent_connections=100,          ## numeric value (default:100), number of simultaneous device connections in a group.
            CustomClass=CiscoBgp,   ## Custom Class provide if any custom command output needed based on standard command outputs (default: None)
    LS = LogSummary(c,                     ## pass here capture instance `c`
            print=True,                        ## use to display on screen. (default: False)
            write_to=f'cmds_log_summary.log',  ## use if create a fresh log summary (default: None)
            append_to=f'cmds_log_summary.log', ## use if append to an existing log summary (default: None)


Parameters for capture

  • devices list of ip addresses

  • auth authentication Parameters

  • cmds dictionary of list of commands to be captred (cisco, juniper, arista).

  • op_path output path ( use “.” for storing in same relative folder )

  • cumulative (Options: True, False, ‘Both’, None) defines how to store each command output. True=Save all output in a single file. False=Save all command output in individual file. ‘Both’=will generate both kinds of output. None=will not save text log outout to any file, but display it on screen

  • forced_login (Options: True, False) (Default: False) Forced login to device even if device ping doesn’t succeded.

  • parsed_output (Options: True, False) (Default: False) Parse the command output and generates device database in excel file. Each command output try to generate a pased detail tab.

  • visual_progress (int, optional): 0 will show least progress, 10 will show all progress (default=3).

  • log_type (str): what type of log output requires. choices are = common, individual, both

  • common_log_file (str): output file name of a common log file

  • concurrent_connections (numeric) (Default: 100), change the number of simultaneous device connections as per link connection and your pc cpu processng performance.

  • CustomClass (Class) (Default:None), provide custom class, containing a mandatory property cmd to return list of additional show commands.

Parameters for LogSummary
  • c (capture_individual): capture_individual object instance

  • print (bool): displays result summary on screen. Defaults to False.

  • write_to (str): filename, writes result summary to file. Defaults to None (i.e. no file write out).

  • append_to (str): filename, appends result summary to file. Defaults to None (i.e. no file write out).


  • Since we are providing all commands at a time for all devices, Script will automatically identifies whether device is Cisco/Juniper/Arista and push respective commands to the system without needing to mention explicitly.

  • CustomClasss : Is usefull where an arbitrary show command output is needed based on previous show output.

  • Example: show bgp summary list down all bgp neighbors. and we want to see advertised route of each neighbor. So here neighbor is variable based on previous output.

  • We can define a custom class which first evaluates previous_output, based on device type. gets list of neighbors. Creates a list of additinal show commands, returns it with cmd property.

  1. Sample CustomClass:

    def get_adv_route_string_cisco(nbr):
            return f'show ip bgp all nei {nbr} adv'
    def get_adv_route_string_juniper(nbr):
            return f'show route advertising-protocol bgp {nbr}'
    class CiscoBgp():
            def __init__(self, conf_file, dtype):
                    self.peers = set()
                    self.show_peer_adv_route_cmds = set()
                    func_maps = {
                                    'get_bgp_peers': get_bgp_peers_cisco,               # function to derive bgp peers from show output (cisco) - DIY
                                    'get_adv_route_string': get_adv_route_string_cisco, # function to get string (cisco)
                            } ,
                                    'get_bgp_peers': get_bgp_peers_juniper,               # function to derive bgp peers from show output (juniper) - DIY
                                    'get_adv_route_string': get_adv_route_string_juniper, # function to get string (juniper)
                            } ,
                    self.peers = func_maps[dtype]['get_bgp_peers'](conf_file)
                    for peer in self.peers:
                            adv_routes = func_maps[dtype]['get_adv_route_string'](peer)
            def cmds(self):
                    ## add more as need
                    return sorted(self.show_peer_adv_route_cmds)

3.1.3. A Sample Execution File

Sample Execution File - Common. A sample execution file will look similar to this

List of CISCO Commands. A sample command list file for cisco.

List of JUNIPER Commands. A sample command list file for juniper.

3.1.4. Folder Tree Structure

  1. Either maintain the tree structure as mentioned in file or modify the code as per your requirement:

    | - + myPrograms
    |   | - exec-capture_it-Common.py
    |   | - cred.py ( contains login username (un), password (pw) )
    | - + captures
    |   | - [ output files ]
    | - + commands
        | - devices.txt (list of device ip addresses)
        | - cisco_cmds_txtfsm.txt (LIST OF CISCO COMMANDS TO BE CAPTURED)
        | - juniper_cmds_txtfsm.txt (LIST OF JUNIPER COMMANDS TO BE CAPTURED)

Watch out for the terminal if any errors and see your output in given output path.